Sunday, December 1, 2019

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education FIBER OPTICS TELECOMMUNICATION Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

109. Diploma in Certified Teacher (C.T))
Ø  English (Compulsory)
Ø  Islamic Education / Pakistan Studies
Ø  Urdu (Compulsory)
Ø  Theory & History of Education
Ø  Child Development
Ø  School & Community Development
Ø  General Methodology & Preparation of Teaching Aids
Ø  Consulting & Testing of Education
Ø  Organization of Elementary Education & School Management
Ø  Islamic History
Ø  Teaching Practice Lesson No-I
Ø  Teaching Practice Lesson No-II
Ø  Mathematics
Ø  Science
Ø  Computer Science

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

110. Diploma in Civil Architecture Technology
Ø  Civil Engineering Materials
Ø  Basic Electricity
Ø  Basic Workshop Practice
Ø  Mathematics
Ø  Engineering Science
Ø  Civil Engineering Drawing
Ø  Surveying
Ø  Computer Operation and Word Processing
Ø  Basic Electronics
Ø  Hydraulics
Ø  Spreadsheet Analysis
Ø  Geotechnical Engineering
Ø  Estimating and Costing
Ø  Structural Mechanics
Ø  Construction Process
Ø  Hydrology
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

111. Diploma in Civil Draftsman
Ø  Introduction to the principals of engineering graphics
Ø  Employing Computer-Aided-Drafting techniques.
Ø  Describe and demonstrate the process of visualization and construction of orthographic, Isometric, and section views.
Ø  Demonstrate and explain the theory and practice of dimensioning
Ø  Explain the importance of standards (ASME and ISO) in the modern engineering graphics environment.
Ø  Demonstrate the creation of 3D geometry and solid modeling techniques.
Ø  Demonstrate the steps to convert 3D models into 2D orthographic and isometric views.
Ø  Demonstrate the techniques of specifying threads and fasteners.
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

112. Diploma In Civil Tech ( Road Construction ))
Ø  Civil Engineering Materials
Ø  Basic Electricity
Ø  Basic Workshop Practice
Ø  Mathematics
Ø  Engineering Science
Ø  Civil Engineering Drawing
Ø   Surveying
Ø  Computer Operation and Word Processing
Ø  Basic Electronics
Ø  Hydraulics
Ø  Spreadsheet Analysis
Ø  Geotechnical Engineering
Ø  Estimating and Costing
Ø  Structural Mechanic
Ø  Construction Process 16 Hydrology

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

113. Diploma In Clinical Assistant
Ø  Support the sale of pharmacy and pharmacist only medicines
Ø  Accept prescriptions and deliver medicine
Ø  Deliver prescription medicines to customers outside the pharmacy
Ø  Assist in dispensary operations
Ø   Assist in dispensary stock control
Ø  Assist in preparing dose administration containers

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

114. Diploma In Clinical Psychology
Ø  Mental Health Today a Quick look of the Picture!!
Ø  The Skills and Activities of a Clinical Psychologist
Ø  How a Clinical Psychologist thinks?
Ø  Historical overview of Clinical Psychology
Ø  History of Clinical Psychology
Ø  How Clinical Psychologists became involved in Treatment?
Ø  Models of Training in Clinical Psychology
Ø  Current Issues in Clinical Psychology
Ø  Ethical Standards for Clinical Psychologists
Ø  The Role of Research in Clinical Psychology
Ø  The Research Process
Ø  The Concept of Abnormal Behavior and Mental illness
Ø  Causes of Mental illness: Overview of Etiology
Ø  The Process of Diagnosis
Ø  The Concept of Psychological Assessment in Clinical Psychology
Ø  The Clinical Interview
Ø  The Assessment of Intelligence
Ø  Intelligence Tests
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

115. Diploma in CNG Kit Installation and Maintenance
Ø  Regulator (Reducer)
Ø  Filling valve
Ø  High pressure pipe
Ø  Cylinder brackets
Ø  NGV Tanks and their Valves
Ø  Mixer
Ø  Closed-Loop System\
Ø  Petrol / CNG Selector switch – MULTIPLEX
Ø  Gasoline electro valve
Ø  Manometer
Ø  Heating System
Ø  Injectors
Ø  Oxygen Sensor Emulator
Ø  Timing Advance Processor
Ø  Test for Leaks

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

116. Diploma In College and University Management
Ø  The Value of College & University Management
Ø  Educational Resources Management
Ø  Identifying Educational Problems through Need Assessment
Ø  The Students & Staff Personal Profile
Ø  Managing Information Systems
Ø  The Chief Executives Performance Priorities
Ø  Establishing Operational Objectives
Ø  Time Phased Action Steps
Ø  Operational Management & Execution of Action Step Plans
Ø  Staff Involvement & Participant Management
Ø  Keys to High Morale Commitment
Ø  Getting an MBO System
Ø  The Role of the Chief Executive in MBO
Ø  Final Performance Priorities Educational Administrative

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

117. Diploma In Compiler Construction
Ø  Introduction
Ø  A simple One-Pass Compiler for the JVM 3 Lexical Analysis and Lex/Flex
Ø   Syntax Analysis and Yacc/Bison
Ø  Syntax-Directed Translation
Ø  Type Checking
Ø   Run-Time Environments
Ø  Intermediate Code Generation
Ø  Code Generation
Ø   Code Optimization
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

118. Diploma In Cognitive Psychology
Ø  Introduction
Ø  The Information Processing Approach
Ø  Cognitive Neuropsychology
Ø  Visual Sensory Memory Experiment
Ø  Attention
Ø  Automaticity
Ø  Pattern Recognition
Ø  Object Perception
Ø  Memory
Ø  Language and Thought
Ø  Cognitive Development

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

119. Diploma In Consumer Psychology
Ø  Consumers Rule
Ø  Perception
Ø  Learning and Memory Chapter 3
Ø  Motivation and Values Chapter 4
Ø  The Self Chapter
Ø  Personality and Lifestyles
Ø  Attitudes
Ø  Attitude Change and Interactive Communications
Ø  Individual Decision Making
Ø  Buying and Disposing
Ø  Group Influence and Opinion Leadership
Ø  Organizational and Household Decision Making
Ø  Income and Social Class
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120. Diploma in Control System Engineering
Ø  Basic Control System Concepts
Ø  Transfer Functions of Physical Systems
Ø  State Equations for Physical Systems
Ø  Transient Response
Ø  Equivalent Systems
Ø  Transient Response Stability
Ø  Forced Response Errors
Ø  A Graphical Tool
Ø  Design Using the Graphical Tool
Ø  Sinusoidal Tools
Ø  Design Using Sinusoidal Tools
Ø  Design Using State Equations
Ø  Discrete Control Systems
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

121. Diploma In Criminology
Ø  An interdisciplinary science of criminology
Ø  The deviant behavior
Ø  Crime and criminology in historical perspectives
Ø  Criminal law and its process.
Ø  A comparative view on crime.
Ø  The victim and victim logy
Ø  The victim and victim logy
Ø  Biological and psychological theories of crime
Ø  The sociological theories.
Ø  Social process theories
Ø  Social conflict theories.
Ø  Crimes against person
Ø  An overview of criminal justice system in general.
Ø  The Islamic social control on crime.
Ø  The police
Ø  Police reformation for twenty first century.
Ø  Scientific Crime investigation.
Ø  The state as prosecutor
Ø  Adjudication and access to justice
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

122. Diploma in Culinary Arts (Professional Chef)
Ø  Classical and Traditional Cookery
Ø  Modernizing the classics
Ø  Contemporary Cuisines
Ø  Contemporary Cold Work
Ø  Innovative Development
Ø  Product Costing
Ø  Gastronomy
Ø  Historic Influences on the Development of Gastronomy
Ø  Traditional and Contemporary Culinary Influences
Ø  Socialization Food and Culture
Ø  Impacts on Food Supply and Food Choice
Ø  Leadership
Ø  Motivation and Coaching Skills
Ø  Communication and Conflict Resolution
Ø  International and Culturally Diverse Aspects of Leadership
Ø  Training and Development
Ø  Quality Assurance and Legal Compliance
Ø  Research Methodology
Ø  Planning the Research Process
Ø  Critically reviewing the literature
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

123. Diploma In Cultural Anthropology
Ø  What is Anthropology and Why Does Anybody Care?
Ø  How to do anthropology and the quandary of relativism required reading:
Ø  Human nature, more or less
Ø  Ecology: Foraging and Horticulture
Ø  Family and Marriage
Ø  Exchange: Reciprocity and Redistribution
Ø  Shamanism and Religion
Ø  Review
Ø  Kindred, Lineage, and Clan
Ø  Unilateral Descent Systems
Ø  Choosing a Spouse: residence patterns and cousins
Ø  Concluding Kinship
Ø  Religion and Ritual
Ø  Social Stratification and Power: Patron-client relationships and exploitation
Ø  Caste and Race
Ø  The meanings of Thanksgiving
Ø  Race and Ethnicity: The Invention of Tradition
Ø  Subjectivity and Inter-Subjectivity
Ø  Concluding remarks on Hinton
Ø  Something from my research (music or time)

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

124. Diploma In Cyber Crime
Ø  Cybercrime and the internet
Ø  Hackers, attacks and crimes
Ø  Theoretical and social perspectives on cybercrime
Ø  managing cybercrime
Ø  Preventing cybercrime
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125. Diploma in Dental Technician
Ø  Elementary anatomy of structure of denture/bearing area.
Ø  Human dentition and occlusion.
Ø  Function of teeth and morphology of crowns of teeth.
Ø  Tooth carving in wax and plaster.
Ø  Muscles of mastication and facial expression.
Ø  Mastication duglication and phoenation.
Ø  Movements of tempramandibular joint.
Ø  Cast preparation, trimming, including orthodontic casts.
Ø  Cast duplication various methods.
Ø  Construction and bridge using porcelain and acrylic pontics.
Ø  Principles of bridge work types of abutments, abutment & pontics.
Ø  Bite blocks base plates and wax rims.
Ø  Articulators Occlusal plane, protrusive balance, working bite, balancing bite, curve of space, compensating curve, lateral curve.
Ø  Principles of selection of teeth.
Ø   Immediate denture construction.
Ø  Kennedy's classification of partial dentures
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

126. Diploma In Digital Library Information System
Ø  Introductions, Course Overview.
Ø  General introduction to information systems
Ø  Evolution of information systems
Ø  The components of information
Ø  systems: Hardware & software
Ø  Networks: information systems& communication
Ø  Library information systems
Ø  overview, history & currentenvironment
Ø  Standards: metadata & interoperability in the library environment
Ø  System Development & System management
Ø  Electronic content and the World Wide Web
Ø  Usability: the end user and information systems
Ø  Digital Libraries
Ø  Library information systems
Ø  Future trends
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127. Diploma in Dress Designing
Ø  Fashion Awareness
Ø  Patterns
Ø  Fibres in Common Use
Ø  Tools & Equipment
Ø  Lays
Ø  Lined Bodices
Ø  Closings & Fastenings
Ø  Fabric Layout
Ø  Fashion Awareness II
Ø  Introduction to Fashion Drawi
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

128. Diploma in Dry Cleaning
Ø  Sorting loads for drycleaning
Ø  Cleaning silk, satin, and other fabrics
Ø  Operating a drycleaning machine
Ø  Removing coffee, ink, grease and other stains from clothing
Ø  Pressing pants, coats skirts
Ø  Using tensioning equipment to improve finishing quality 
Ø  Identifying cotton, silk, polyester, and other fabrics
Ø  Using bleaches without damaging the fabric color
Ø  Pressing blouses, dresses, ties, pleated garments, silks, velvets and corduroy
Ø  Wetcleaning wool, silk, and more
Ø  Maintaining and changing filters
Ø  Troubleshooting problems with the drycleaning machine
Ø  Using tensioning equipment to improve finishing quality
Ø  Current regulation facing the drycleaning industry
Ø  Customer service techniques for drycleaners
Ø  Getting clean, white laundry
Ø  Cleaning and preserving wedding gowns
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129. Diploma In E-Marketing Strategies
Ø  Introductions overview
Ø   World wide web: New way of marketing and PR
Ø  The New Rules of Marketing & PR
Ø  Social capital and client as a collaborator 
Ø  Introduction to the tools available
Ø  Social Media
Ø  Developing your e-marketing plan
Ø  Digital Marketing Plan Development
Ø  Your home base, your blog
Ø  Google Analytics on blog

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130. Diploma In Early Childhood Care and Education
Ø  Introducing international perspectives on early childhood care and education
Ø  Childcare in the United States characteristics and consequences
Ø  Policy and research on early childcare and education in Greece
Ø  Policy and research on preschool care and education in the UK
Ø  Children's and parents' needs and early education and care in Italy
Ø  Policy and research on childcare in Sweden
Ø  Early childhood care and education in Aotearoa- New Zealand
Ø  Early childhood care and education in Israel
Ø  K. Rosenthal: Early childhood care and education : an Indian perspective
Ø  Development of kindergarten care and education.
Ø  An international overview of early childhood care and education
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131. Diploma in Education Planning
Ø  Significance of EPM
Ø  Role of EPM in Education Development
Ø  Corporative & Global Education
Ø  Development Education
Ø  Planning & Development in Education
Ø  Social Economic Changes
Ø  Education Infrastructure
Ø  Emerging Educational Context
Ø  New Education Approaches
Ø  Education & Rural Development
Ø  Education in Urban Development
Ø  Rural Development Programs in Pakistan
Ø  Internal Efficiency in Education
Ø  Education Structures of Labor Force
Ø  Education & Economic Development
Ø  Review of Educational Project in Pakistan
Ø  Objectives of Population Education Project
Ø  Current National Education Policies
Ø  Status of Primary Education
Ø  Regulatory Authority of Private Institutions
Ø  National Education Foundation
Ø  Major Problems
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132. Diploma in Electronics and CCTV Engineering
Ø  Semi conductors
Ø  Transistors
Ø  Vacuum Tubes
Ø  Diodes and Power Supplies
Ø  Ac Fundamentals
Ø  RLC Circuits
Ø  Network Theory
Ø  Engineering Materials
Ø  Control System
Ø  Electronic Instrumentation
Ø  Amplifier
Ø  Oscillators
Ø  Digital Electronics
Ø  Amplitude (Linear) Modulation
Ø  Frequency /Phase (Angle) Modulation
Ø  Pulse /Digital Modulation
Ø  Radio Receivers
Ø  Radio Transmitter
Ø  Electrostatics
Ø  Magnetostatics
Ø  Electromagnetics
Ø  Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Ø  Antennas
Ø  Wave Propagation
Ø  Communication System
Ø  Microwaves
Ø  Radar System
Ø  Satellite Communication
Ø  Television System
Ø  Opto Electronics
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133. Diploma in Energy Management
Ø  Cogeneration
Ø  Control Systems and Computers
Ø  Types of Controls
Ø  Computer Utilization
Ø  Maintenance
Ø  Determining Maintenance Needs
Ø  Determining Maintenance Intervals
Ø  Staffing and Support
Ø  Insulation
Ø  Theory: Heat Transfer, Thermal Conductivity Resistance and Treatments of Pipes
Ø  Process Energy Management
Ø  Steps of Improvement
Ø  Twenty-Five Popular Energy Management Opportunities
Ø  Alternative Energy Sources and Water Management
Ø  Solar-Active
Ø  Solar-Passive
Ø  Refuse-Derived Fuel
Ø  Scope and Objectives
Ø  Commercial Energy Consumption
Ø  Non- Commercial Energy Consumption
Ø  Simulation Model for Energy Demand
Ø  Policy Implications of the Scenarios
Ø  Sectoral Considerations for Rural Requirements
Ø  The Role of Commercial Energy
Ø  The Role of Renewable Resources
Ø  Energy from Wood
Ø  Bio-Gas Generation
Ø  The Contribution of Solar Energy

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134. Diploma in Environmental engineering
Ø  Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Ø  Hydrology
Ø  Water Treatment
Ø  Water Quality Management
Ø  Wastewater Treatment
Ø  Environmental Ethics
Ø  Storage & Reservoirs
Ø  Waste Minimization
Ø  Water Conservation
Ø  Water Plant Waste Management
Ø  Water Quality Management
Ø  Air Pollution
Ø  Noise Pollution
Ø  Solid Waste Management
Ø  Hazardous Waste Management
Ø  Ionizing Radiation
Ø  Wastewater Microbiology
Ø  Disinfection
Ø  Sludge Treatment
Ø  Atmospheric Dispersion
Ø  Traffic Noise Prediction
Ø  Disposal of sanitary landfall

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

135. Diploma in Fast Food Management
Ø  Food Facts for Busy People
Ø  Grazing on the Go
Ø  Smart Shopping Strategies
Ø  Marvelous Menu Choices
Ø  Fast Food without the Fat
Ø  Meals at Work and on the Road
Ø  Losing and Maintaining Weight
Ø  Eating for Health and Longevity
Ø  Supplementing a Healthy Diet
Ø  Healthy Choices for Busy Families
Ø  Fueling for Sports and Fitness
Ø  Cooking Secrets in a Snap
Ø  Creating 60-Second Specials
Ø  Surviving the Holidays
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

136. Diploma In Feature and Column Writing
Ø  Conviction in writing
Ø  Focus on Topic
Ø  opposing viewpoints
Ø  Facts and Arguments 
Ø  Analogies
Ø  Criticism
Ø  Reporting
Ø  Localize and personalize
Ø  Passion
Ø  Solution orientation

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

137. Diploma in Flood Risk Management
Ø  Quantitative Methods for Engineering
Ø  Climate Change: Earth System, Future Scenarios and Threats
Ø  An Introduction to GIS 
Ø  Hydro systems: Processes and Management
Ø  Hydro systems Modeling
Ø  Options for Flood Risk Management
Ø  Flood Management: Governance, Planning and Project Appraisal
Ø   Modeling of Floods
Ø  Real Time Flood Forecasting and Warning Systems
Ø  MSc Project and Dissertation in Water Resources
Ø  Integrated River Basin Management
Ø  Climate Change: Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptations
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

138. Diploma in Fork lift Operator
Ø  General Requirements
Ø  Operating Manuals
Ø  Lift Truck Features & Safety Equipment
Ø  Stability
Ø  Capacity Plate & Location
Ø  Pre-operational Inspection
Ø  Start-up
Ø  Traveling with & without a Load
Ø  Pedestrians
Ø  Load Handling
Ø  Ramps & Grades
Ø  Personnel Lifting, Lowering & Supporting
Ø  Elevators
Ø  Workplace Specific Hazards
Ø  Procedures for Shutdown / Leaving the Operator’s Position
Ø  Re-fuelling / Recharging

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

139. Diploma in Gas and Pipe fitting
Ø  History of Pipe fitting
Ø  Pipe fitting Apprenticeships
Ø  Development of Pipe fitting Technology
Ø  Development of Pipe fitting Codes
Ø  Pipe fitting as a Career
Ø  Starting a Pipe fitting Business
Ø  Understanding Pipe fitting Tools
Ø  Leveling Instruments
Ø  Mathematics for Plumbers
Ø  Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Ø  Print Reading and Sketching
Ø  Rigging and Hoisting
Ø  Building and Pipe fitting Codes
Ø  Soldering, Brazing, and Welding
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

140. Diploma in General Fitter
Ø  Positioning
Ø  State space models
Ø  Constant velocity models
Ø  Optimal/conceptual solutions to general filtering problems
Ø  Kalman filters
Ø  Particle filters
Ø  Extended and Unscented Kalman filters
Ø  MMSE and LMMSE estimators
Ø  Model selection in time varying settings
Ø  Interacting Multiple Model filters
Ø  Complexity reduction using merging and pruning

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

141. Diploma in Greeting Card Making
Ø  Introduction and overview
Ø  Card Trimming and folding
Ø  Tools used for Card Making
Ø  Materials Used for Card making
Ø  Marking and measurement
Ø  Cutting
Ø  Use of Inks and colors

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

142. Diploma in Guest House Management
Ø  What   is a Guest House?
Ø  Location
Ø   The Basic Principles of
Ø  Management
Ø  Guest House Marketing
Ø  Guest House Finances
Ø  Legal Aspects of Guest Houses
Ø  Guest House Decor & Equipment
Ø  Customer Services
Ø  Guest House Equipment
Ø  Guest House Aspects of Waiting at Tables
Ø  Food Purchasing
Ø  Guest House Records
Ø  Financial Management
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

143. Diploma in Interior Decoration
Ø  Arts & Antiques
Ø  Bathrooms
Ø  Bedrooms
Ø  Carpets & Rugs
Ø  Crafts
Ø  Furniture 
Ø  Gardens & Exteriors 
Ø  Heating & Air Conditioning
Ø  Interior Landscaping 
Ø  Kitchens
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

144. Diploma in International Tourism Management
Ø  Introduction to Tourism Management
Ø  Definition of Tourism
Ø  Role of Tourism
Ø  The Tourism System
Ø  The Tourist Resorts
Ø  The Tourism as Industry
Ø  Food & Beverage Planning
Ø  Tourism Markets
Ø  Tourism as Pleasure
Ø  Tourism Marketing

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

145. Diploma in ISO 9000 and 2000
Ø  Elements of Management
Ø  Organizational Behavior
Ø  Basics of Accounting and Finance
Ø  Basic of Computer
Ø  Operation Research
Ø  Quality Assurance
Ø  QS 9000
Ø  ISO 9000 (Implementation & Orientation)
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

146. Diploma In Library Management
Ø  Introduction
Ø  Change Management
Ø  Planning
Ø  Organizing
Ø  Human Resources Management
Ø  Staff Management
Ø  Leading
Ø  Directing
Ø  Coordinating
Ø  Controlling

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

147. Diploma in Mason
Ø  Familiarization with good working practice
Ø  Reading Simple working drawings and sketch
Ø  Earth work in excavation
Ø  Laying of P.C.C, R.C.C and D.P.C for various parts of building
Ø  Brick work in various parts of building
Ø  Plastering and pointing
Ø  Tools and equipments and their uses.
Ø  Care and maintenance of tools
Ø  Safety Precautions
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad
148. Diploma in Production Engineering
Ø  Product Policy of an Organization
Ø  Managing the Supply Chain
Ø  Supply Chain Management
Ø  Demand Forecasting
Ø  Aggregate Planning
Ø  Inventory Control
Ø  Material Requirement Planning
Ø  Quality Management
Ø  Fundamental Concepts of Quality
Ø  Quality Assurance
Ø  Total Quality Management
Ø  Design of Facilities and Jobs
Ø  Work Measurement
Ø  Value Engineering
Ø  Business Process Reengineering
Ø  Project Scheduling with CPM & PERT
Ø  Sequencing Models

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

149. Diploma in Project Management Professional
Ø  Concept of PMP
Ø  Significance and vital role of PMP
Ø  Characteristics of PMP
Ø  Relationship between Project Management and other methodologies
Ø  Effective Project Management
Ø  Project Planning
Ø  Identification of Project Activities
Ø  Costing and Resource Requirements
Ø  Resource Availability
Ø  Projects in contemporary
Ø  Organization
Ø  Budget Estimation of Projects
Ø  Monitoring, Controlling and Making of Project
Ø  Scope the Project
Ø  Organize and Conduct the Joint Project Planning Session
Ø  Recruit, Organize, and Manage the Project Team
Ø  Monitor & Control Progress
Ø  Clouse Out the Project
Ø  Project Life Cycle & Organization

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad
150. Diploma in Quality Control Engineering
Ø  Quality Management Techniques
Ø  Definitions
Ø  Quality Philosophies
Ø  Management Systems
Ø  Quality Function Needs
Ø  Quality Principles and Policies
Ø  Benchmarking
Ø  Project Management
Ø  Quality Information Systems
Ø  Leadership & Team Building
Ø  Team Member Roles
Ø  Conflict Resolution
Ø  Training
Ø  Needs Analysis
Ø  Training Effectiveness
Ø  Cost of Quality
Ø  Quality Systems
Ø  Introduction
Ø  Malcolm Aldridge
Ø  Documentation System
Ø  ISO-9000 Systems
Ø  Configuration Management
Ø  Documentation Control
Ø  Quality Standards
Ø  Customer Relations
Ø  Evaluations
Ø  Performance Improvement
Ø  Quality Audits
Ø  Types of Audits
Ø  Specific Objective Audits
Ø  General Audit Matrix
Ø  Audit Responsibilities
Ø  Preparing/Executing the Audit
Ø  Audit Report
Ø  Audit Terms
Ø  Planning & Control Techniques
Ø  Preproduction/Pre-Service Planning
Ø  Seriousness Classification

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

AutoCAD 2D/3D Profession Training Course Rawalpindio3035530865
AutoCAD Professional Training Course. Professional Male & Female Instructors. For Boys & Girls. Individual Training. professional, but we also ensure that our candidates have fun and enjoy their time learning with us. o3035530865..One & Two Years Diploma Courses Regular & Distance learning Based. For Detail Please Visit Our Top leading AutoCAD training centre in rawalpindi, islamabad, Pakistan. AutoCAD course, AutoCAD diploma, AutoCAD Training course, AutoCad 2D,3D Course and AutoCad 2D,3D,Studio MAX Course, with special discount packages, civil engineering courses, civil surveyor courses, quantity surveyor course, Civil engg courses, civil course, provide Govt registered fast track diploma courses, AutoCAD course, AutoCad 2D,3D Course and AutoCad 2D,3D MAX Course, AutoCad course. AutoCAD courses is a software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD). Basic 2D drawing in the AutoCAD software. AutoCAD covers the essential core topics for working with the AutoCAD software, using basic drawing, editing, and viewing tools.
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Unit 1 - Introduction to AutoCAD and Working with the Windows Environment
Starting AutoCAD and Understanding the Display Interacting with AutoCAD  AutoCAD File Operations
Unit 2 - Creating Your First Drawing Setting up a Drawing  Using AutoCAD Drafting Tools  Understanding Objects
Unit 3 - Viewing and Plotting a Drawing Understanding the Display and Virtual Screen  Using ZOOM and PAN To Control the Display  Using the Aerial View Window and Creating Views
Unit 4 - Basic CAD Drawing Techniques Setting the Display Format and Units  Working with Prototype Drawings  Coordinate System BasicsUnit 5 - Understanding Layers and Line types
Working with Layers  Understanding and Creating Line types
Unit 6 - Creating Basic Geometry Drawing Rectangles  Drawing Circles  Drawing Arcs
Unit 7 - Annotating a Drawing with Text and Hatching
Adding Text to a Drawing  Filling Areas with Hatching
Unit 8 - Drawing Accurately Working with Entity Points and Object Snaps  Using Point Filters
Unit 9 - Creating Selection Sets Methods for Creating a Selection Set Selecting Objects  Changing the Selection and Using Object Selection Filters
Unit 10 - Basic Editing Skills Deleting and Restoring Objects  Moving, Copying, and Offsetting Objects  Rotating, Mirroring, Scaling, and Stretching Objects  Editing Edges and Corners of Objects  Producing Arrays of Objects (ARRAY)
Unit 11 - Editing with GripsWorking with Grips  Using the Grips Auto edit Modes
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Architecture Designing 2D,3D Course Modeling, Formation Design and Simmulation Course
Unit 12 - Advanced Drawing Techniques, Dividing and Measuring an Object  Drawing Rings and Ellipses  Working with Multiline 03035530865
Unit 13 - Dimensioning a Drawing Dimensioning Basics and Dimensioning with Precision  Linear and Radial Dimensioning  Angular Dimensioning  Editing DimensionsUnit 14 - Modifying Object Characteristics Changing Object Properties Extracting Information from your Drawing

Unit 15 - Using Symbols and Attributes
Defining Groups  Creating Blocks  Bagh, Bhimber, Khuiratta, Kotli, Mangla, Mirpur, Muzaffarabad, Plandri, Rawalakot, Punch, Amir Chah,Bazdar, Bela, Bellpat, Bagh, Burj, Chagai, Chah Sandan, Chakku, Chaman, Chhatr, Dalbandin, Dera Bugti, Dhana Sar, Diwana, Duki, Dushi, Duzab, Gajar, Gandava, Garhi Khairo, Garruck, Ghazluna, Girdan, Gulistan, Gwadar, Gwash, Hab Chauki, Hameedabad, Harnai, Hinglaj, Hoshab, Ispikan, Jhal, Jhal Jhao, Jhatpat, Jiwani, Kalandi, Kalat, Kamararod, Kanak, Kandi, Kanpur, Kapip, Kappar, Karodi, Katuri, Kharan, Khuzdar, Kikki, Kohan, Kohlu, Korak, Lahri, Lasbela, Liari, Loralai, Mach, Mand, Manguchar, Mashki Chah, Maslti, Mastung, Mekhtar, Merui, Mianez, Murgha Kibzai, Musa Khel Bazar, Nagha Kalat, Nal, Naseerabad, Nauroz Kalat, Nur Gamma, Nushki, Nuttal, Ormara, Palantuk, Panjgur, Pasni, Piharak, Pishin, Qamruddin Karez, Qila Abdullah, Qila Ladgasht, Qila Safed, Qila Saifullah, Quetta, Rakhni, Robat Thana, Rodkhan, Saindak, Sanjawi, Saruna, Shabaz Kalat, Shahpur, Sharam Jogizai, Shingar, Shorap, Sibi, Sonmiani, Spezand, Spintangi, Sui, Suntsar, Surab, Thalo, Tump, Turbat, Umarao, Pir Mahal, Uthal, Vitakri, Wadh, Washap, Wasjuk, Yakmach, Zhob, Astor, Baramula, Hunza, Gilgit, Nagar, Skardu, Shangrila, Shandur, Bajaur, Hangu, Malakand, Miran Shah, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Wana, Abbottabad, Ayubia, Adezai,
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Stenographer jobs Pakistan o3035530865 Shorthand Course Rawalpindi
Banda Daud Shah, Bannu, Batagram, Birote, Buner, Chakdara, Charsadda, Chitral, Dargai, Darya Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Drasan, Drosh, Hangu, Haipur, Kalam, Karak, Khanspur, Kohat, Kohistan, Lakki Marwat, Latamber, Lower Dir, Madyan, Malakand, Mansehra, Mardan, Mastuj, Mongora, Nowshera, Paharpur, Peshawar, Saidu Sharif, Shangla, Sakesar, Swabi, Swat, Tangi, Tank, Tahll, Tordher, Upper Dir, Ahmedpur East, Ahmed Nager Chatha, Ali Pur, Arifwala, Attock, Basti Malook, Bahgalchur, Bhalwal, Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Bhaipheru, Bhakkar, Burewala, Chailianwala, Chakwal, Chichawatni, Chiniot, Chowk Azam, Chowk Sarwar Shaheed, Daska, Darya Khan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Derawar Fort, Dhaular, Dina City, Dinga, Dipalpur, Faisalabad, Fateh Jang, Gadar, Ghakhar Mandi, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Gujar Khan, Hafizabad, Haroonabad, Hasilpur, Haveli Lakha, Jampur, Jhang, Jhelum, Kalabagh, Karok Lal Esan, Kasur, Kamalia, Kamoke, Khanewal, Khanpur, Kharian, Khushab, Kot Addu, Jahania, Jalla Araain, Jauharabad, Laar, Lahore, Lalamusa, Layyah, Lodhran, Mamoori, Mandi Bahauddin, Makhdoom Ali, Mandi Warburton, Mailsi, Mian Channu, Minawala, Mianwali, Multan, Murree, Mughal Pura, Muridike, Muzaffargarh, Narowal, Okara, Renala Khurd, Rajanpur, Pak Pattan, Panjgar, Pattoki, Pir Mahal, Qila Didar Singh, Rabwah, Raiwind, Rajan Pur, Rahim Yar Khan, Rawalpindi, Rohri, Sadiqabad, Safdar Abad, Sahiwal, Sangla Hill, Samberial, Sarai Alamgir, Sargodha, Shakargarh, Shafaqat Shaheed Chowk, Sheikhu Pura, Sialkot, Sohawa, Sooianwala, Sundar, Talagang, Tarbela, Takhtbai, Taxila, Toba Tek Singh, Vehari, Wah Cantonment, Wazirabad, Ali Bander, Baden, Chachro, Dadu, Digri, Diplo, Dokri, Gadra, Ghanian, Ghauspur, Ghotki, Hala, Hyderabad, Islamkot, Jacobabad, Jamesabad, Jamshoro, Janghar, Jati Mughabhim, Jhudo, Junghahi, Kandiaro, Karachi, Kashmir, Keti Bander, Khairpur, Khora, Khupro, Khokhopur, Korangi, Kotri, Kot Sarae, Larkana, Lund, Mathi, Matiari, Mehar, Mirpur Batoro, Mirpur Khas, Mirpur Sakro, Mithi, Mithani, Moro, Nagar Parkar, Naushara, Naudero, Noushero Feroz, Nawabshah, Nazimabad, Naokot, Pendoo,Pokran, Qambar, Qazi Ahmad, Ranipur, Ratodero, Rohri, Saidu Sharif, Sakrand, Sanghar, Shanankhot, Shahbander, Shahdadpur, Shahpur, Chakar, Shikarpur, Sujawal, Sukkar, Tando Adam, Tando Allah Yar, Tando Bago, Tar Ahmed Rind, Thatta, Tujal, Umarkot, Veirwaro, Warah, Zaffarwal.For Details Please Contact Us: o3035530865Cell: O321-9606785, O3035530865, O331-5145601, O3495021336, O3145228191

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Professional -Stenographer jobs Course Rawalpindi
Personal Shorthand, originally known as Brief hand in the 1950s, is a completely alphabetic shorthand. Top Leading Institute offer AutoCAD Professional Training Course. Professional Male & Female Instructors. For Boys & Girls. Individual Training. professional, but we also ensure that our candidates have fun and enjoy their time learning with us. o3035530865..One & Two Years Diploma Courses Regular & Distance learning Based. There are three basic categories of written shorthand. Best known are pure symbol (stenographic) shorthand systems (e.g., Gregg, Pitman). Because the complexity of symbol shorthand made them time-consuming to learn, a variety of newer, alphabetic shorthand were created, with the goal of being easier to learn– e.g., Speedwriting, Steno script, Steno speed, and Forked shorthand. These systems used normally written letters of the alphabet, but also some number of symbols, alphabetic characters changed in shape or position, or special marks for punctuation; and so they are more accurately described as hybrid shorthand systems. In contrast, Personal Shorthand uses only the 26 letters of the alphabet, without any special symbols, positioning, or punctuation, and it can therefore be written cursively, printed, typed, or even entered in a computer without special typefaces or graphics. Given years of practice, symbol shorthand writers could sometimes acquire skills of 150 or even 200 words per minute, which might have qualified them for demanding positions such as court reporting, typically dominated today by machine shorthand. Due to the extensive time necessary, few achieved such a level. Most symbol shorthand writers in secretarial positions wrote between 80 and 140 words per minute. Hybrid shorthand systems with higher symbol content generally could be written faster than those with fewer symbols. In common with most hybrid shorthands, Personal Shorthand cannot be written as fast as symbol shorthands. However, like some hybrids, learning time is drastically reduced. Students of Personal Shorthand can acquire a useful shorthand skill (50 to 60 wpm) in a single school term, compared to the year or more for symbol system students to reach that same level.Without the complexity of symbols to memorize and practice writing, Personal Shorthand theory is relatively simple. There are six Theory Rules. Slightly more than a hundred high-frequency business vocabulary words are represented by a single written letter known as a Brief Form ("a" for "about", "t" for "time", "v" for "very", etc.). High-frequency letter groupings within words ("g" for "-ing", "s" for "-tion", etc.), known as Phonetic Abbreviations, are also written with a single letter. In most Personal Shorthand textbooks, the entire Theory is presented in just ten lessons, after which review and practice can lead to writing speeds of 60 to 100 words per minute. Shorthand Professional Course Bagh, Shorthand Professional Course Bhimber, Shorthand Professional Course Khuiratta,
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Shorthand Professional Course Kotli, Shorthand Professional Course
Mangla, Shorthand Professional Course Mirpur, Shorthand Professional Course Muzaffarabad, Shorthand Professional Course Plandri, Shorthand Professional Course Rawalakot, Shorthand Professional Course Punch, Amir Chah,Bazdar, Bela, Shorthand Professional Course Bellpat, Bagh, Burj, Chagai, Chah Sandan, Chakku, Chaman, Shorthand Professional Course Chhatr, Shorthand Professional Course Dalbandin, Shorthand Professional Course Dera Bugti, Dhana Sar, Diwana, Duki, Dushi, Duzab, Gajar, Shorthand Professional Course Gandava, Shorthand Professional Course Garhi Khairo, Shorthand Professional Course Garruck, Shorthand Professional Course Ghazluna, Girdan, Gulistan, Gwadar, Shorthand Professional Course Gwash, Shorthand Professional Course Hab Chauki, Shorthand Professional Course Hameedabad, Shorthand Professional Course Harnai, Shorthand Professional Course Hinglaj, Shorthand Professional Course Hoshab, Shorthand Professional Course Ispikan, Shorthand Professional Course Jhal, Shorthand Professional Course Jhal Jhao, Shorthand Professional Course Jhatpat, Shorthand Professional Course Jiwani, Shorthand Professional Course Kalandi, Kalat, Shorthand Professional Course Kamararod, Shorthand Professional Course Kanak, Kandi, Kanpur, Kapip, Kappar, Karodi, Katuri, Kharan, Khuzdar, Kikki, Kohan, Kohlu, Korak, Lahri, Lasbela, Liari, Loralai, Mach, Mand, Manguchar, Mashki Chah, Maslti, Mastung, Mekhtar, Merui, Mianez, Murgha Kibzai, Musa Khel Bazar, Nagha Kalat, Nal, Naseerabad, Nauroz Kalat, Nur Gamma, Nushki, Nuttal, Ormara, Palantuk, Panjgur, Pasni, Piharak, Pishin, Qamruddin Karez, Qila Abdullah, Qila Ladgasht, Qila Safed, Qila Saifullah, Quetta, Rakhni, Robat Thana, Rodkhan, Saindak, Sanjawi, Saruna, Shabaz Kalat, Shahpur, Sharam Jogizai, Shingar, Shorap, Sibi, Sonmiani, Spezand, Spintangi, Sui, Suntsar, Surab, Thalo, Tump, Turbat, Umarao, Pir Mahal, Uthal, Vitakri, Wadh, Washap, Wasjuk, Yakmach, Zhob, Astor, Baramula, Hunza, Gilgit, Nagar, Skardu, Shangrila, Shandur, Bajaur, Hangu, Malakand, Miran Shah, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Wana, Abbottabad, Ayubia, Adezai, Banda Daud Shah, Bannu, Batagram, Birote, Buner, Chakdara, Charsadda, Chitral, Dargai, Darya Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Drasan, Drosh, Hangu, Haipur, Kalam, Karak, Khanspur, Shorthand Professional Course Kohat, Shorthand Professional Course Kohistan, Lakki Marwat, Latamber, Lower Dir, Madyan, Malakand, Mansehra,
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Shorthand Professional Course Mardan, Shorthand Professional Course Mastuj
 Mongora, Shorthand Professional Course Nowshera, Shorthand Professional Course Paharpur, Shorthand Professional Course Peshawar, Shorthand Professional Course Saidu Sharif, Shangla, Shorthand Professional Course Sakesar, Shorthand Professional Course Swabi, Shorthand Professional Course Swat, Shorthand Professional Course Tangi, Shorthand Professional Course Tank, Shorthand Professional Course Tahll, Shorthand Professional Course Tordher, Shorthand Professional Course Upper Dir, Shorthand Professional Course Ahmedpur East, Shorthand Professional Course Ahmed Nager Chatha, Shorthand Professional Course Ali Pur, Arifwala, Shorthand Professional Course Attock, Shorthand Professional Course Basti Malook, Shorthand Professional Course Bahgalchur, Shorthand Professional Course Bhalwal, Shorthand Professional Course Bahawalnagar, Shorthand Professional Course Bahawalpur, Shorthand Professional Course Bhaipheru, Shorthand Professional Course Bhakkar, Shorthand Professional Course Burewala, Shorthand Professional Course Chailianwala, Shorthand Professional Course Chakwal, Shorthand Professional Course Chichawatni, Shorthand Professional Course Chiniot, Shorthand Professional Course Chowk Azam
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad
Shorthand Professional Course Chowk
 Sarwar Shaheed, Shorthand Professional Course Daska, Shorthand Professional Course Darya Khan, Shorthand Professional Course Dera Ghazi Khan, Shorthand Professional Course Derawar Fort, Shorthand Professional Course Dhaular, Shorthand Professional Course Dina City, Dinga, Dipalpur, Faisalabad, Fateh Jang, Gadar, Shorthand Professional Course Ghakhar Mandi, Shorthand Professional Course Gujranwala, Shorthand Professional Course Gujrat, Shorthand Professional Course Gujar Khan, Shorthand Professional Course Hafizabad, Shorthand Professional Course Haroonabad, Shorthand Professional Course Hasilpur, Shorthand Professional Course Haveli Lakha, Shorthand Professional Course Jampur, Shorthand Professional Course Jhang, Shorthand Professional Course Jhelum, Shorthand Professional Course Kalabagh, Shorthand Professional Course Karok Lal Esan, Shorthand Professional Course Kasur, Shorthand Professional Course Kamalia, Shorthand Professional Course Kamoke, Shorthand Professional Course Khanewal,
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad
Shorthand Professional Course Khanpur
Shorthand Professional Course Kharian, Shorthand Professional Course Khushab, Shorthand Professional Course Kot Addu, Jahania, Jalla Araain, Jauharabad, Laar, Lahore, Lalamusa, Layyah, Shorthand Professional Course Lodhran, Mamoori, Mandi Bahauddin, Makhdoom Ali, Mandi Warburton, Mailsi, Mian Channu, Minawala, Mianwali, Multan, Murree, Mughal Pura, Muridike, Muzaffargarh, Narowal, Okara, Renala Khurd, Rajanpur, Pak Pattan, Panjgar, Pattoki, Pir Mahal, Qila Didar Singh, Rabwah, Raiwind, Rajan Pur, Rahim Yar Khan, Rawalpindi, Rohri, Sadiqabad, Safdar Abad, Sahiwal, Sangla Hill, Samberial, Sarai Alamgir, Sargodha, Shakargarh, Shafaqat Shaheed Chowk, Sheikhu Pura, Sialkot, Sohawa, Sooianwala, Sundar, Talagang, Tarbela, Takhtbai, Taxila, Toba Tek Singh, Vehari, Wah Cantonment, Wazirabad, Ali Bander, Baden, Chachro, Dadu, Digri, Diplo, Dokri, Gadra, Ghanian, Ghauspur, Ghotki, Hala, Hyderabad, Islamkot, Jacobabad, Jamesabad, Jamshoro, Janghar, Jati Mughabhim, Jhudo, Junghahi, Kandiaro, Karachi, Kashmir, Keti Bander, Khairpur, Khora, Khupro, Khokhopur, Korangi, Kotri, Kot Sarae, Larkana, Lund, Mathi, Matiari, Mehar, Mirpur Batoro, Mirpur Khas, Mirpur Sakro, Mithi, Mithani, Moro, Nagar Parkar, Naushara, Naudero, Noushero Feroz, Nawabshah, Nazimabad, Naokot, Pendoo,Pokran, Qambar, Qazi Ahmad, Ranipur, Ratodero, Rohri, Saidu Sharif, Sakrand, Sanghar, Shanankhot, Shahbander, Shorthand Professional Course Shahdadpur, Shorthand Professional Course Shahpur, Shorthand Professional Course Chakar, Shorthand Professional Course Shikarpur, Shorthand Professional Course Sujawal, Shorthand Professional Course Sukkar, Shorthand Professional Course Tando Adam, Shorthand Professional Course Tando Allah Yar, Shorthand Professional Course Tando Bago, Shorthand Professional Course Tar Ahmed Rind, Shorthand Professional Course Thatta, Tujal, Shorthand Professional Course Umarkot, Shorthand Professional Course Veirwaro, Shorthand Professional Course Warah, Zaffarwal. (M) For Details Please Contact Us: o3035530865.
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Professional AutoCAD Training Course in Pakistan Rawalpindi

Professional Male & Female Instructors. For Boys & Girls. Individual Training. professional, but we also ensure that our candidates have fun and enjoy their time learning with us. One & Two Years Diploma Courses Regular & Distance learning Based. For Detail Please Visit Our Top leading AutoCAD training centre in rawalpindi, islamabad, Pakistan. AutoCAD course, AutoCAD diploma, AutoCAD Training course, AutoCad 2D,3D Course and AutoCad 2D,3D,Studio MAX Course, with special discount packages, civil engineering courses, civil surveyor courses, quantity surveyor course, Civil engg courses, civil course, provide Govt registered fast track diploma courses, AutoCAD course,
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

AutoCad 2D,3D Course and AutoCad 2D,3D MAX Course
AutoCad course. AutoCAD courses is a software application for 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD). Basic 2D drawing in the AutoCAD software. AutoCAD covers the essential core topics for working with the AutoCAD software, using basic drawing, editing, and viewing tools.Unit 1 - Introduction to AutoCAD and Working with the Windows Environment
Starting AutoCAD and Understanding the Display Interacting with AutoCAD  AutoCAD File Operations
Unit 2 - Creating Your First Drawing Setting up a Drawing  Using AutoCAD Drafting Tools  Understanding Objects
Unit 3 - Viewing and Plotting a Drawing Understanding the Display and Virtual Screen  Using ZOOM and PAN To Control the Display  Using the Aerial View Window and Creating Views
Unit 4 - Basic CAD Drawing Techniques Setting the Display Format and Units  Working with Prototype Drawings  Coordinate System BasicsUnit 5 - Understanding Layers and Line types
Working with Layers  Understanding and Creating Line types
Unit 6 - Creating Basic Geometry Drawing Rectangles  Drawing Circles  Drawing Arcs
Unit 7 - Annotating a Drawing with Text and Hatching
Adding Text to a Drawing  Filling Areas with Hatching
Unit 8 - Drawing Accurately Working with Entity Points and Object Snaps  Using Point Filters
Unit 9 - Creating Selection Sets Methods for Creating a Selection Set Selecting Objects  Changing the Selection and Using Object Selection Filters
Unit 10 - Basic Editing Skills Deleting and Restoring Objects  Moving, Copying, and Offsetting Objects  Rotating, Mirroring, Scaling, and Stretching Objects  Editing Edges and Corners of Objects  Producing Arrays of Objects (ARRAY)
Unit 11 - Editing with GripsWorking with Grips  Using the Grips Auto edit Modes
Unit 12 - Advanced Drawing Techniques, Dividing and Measuring an Object  Drawing Rings and Ellipses  Working with Multiline

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Unit 13 - Dimensioning a Drawing Dimensioning Basics and Dimensioning with Precision  Linear and Radial Dimensioning  Angular Dimensioning  Editing Dimensions
Unit 14 - Modifying Object Characteristics Changing Object Properties Extracting Information from your Drawing
Unit 15 - Using Symbols and Attributes
Defining Groups  Creating Blocks  Bagh, Bhimber, Khuiratta, Kotli, Mangla, Mirpur, Muzaffarabad, Plandri, Rawalakot, Punch, Amir Chah,Bazdar, Bela, Bellpat, Bagh, Burj, Chagai, Chah Sandan, Chakku, Chaman, Chhatr, Dalbandin, Dera Bugti, Dhana Sar, Diwana, Duki, Dushi, Duzab, Gajar, Gandava, Garhi Khairo, Garruck, Ghazluna, Girdan, Gulistan, Gwadar, Gwash, Hab Chauki, Hameedabad, Harnai, Hinglaj, Hoshab, Ispikan, Jhal, Jhal Jhao, Jhatpat, Jiwani, Kalandi, Kalat, Kamararod, Kanak, Kandi, Kanpur, Kapip, Kappar, Karodi, Katuri, Kharan, Khuzdar, Kikki, Kohan, Kohlu, Korak, Lahri, Lasbela, Liari, Loralai, Mach, Mand, Manguchar, Mashki Chah, Maslti, Mastung, Mekhtar, Merui, Mianez, Murgha Kibzai, Musa Khel Bazar, Nagha Kalat, Nal, Naseerabad, Nauroz Kalat, Nur Gamma, Nushki, Nuttal, Ormara, Palantuk, Panjgur, Pasni, Piharak, Pishin, Qamruddin Karez, Qila Abdullah, Qila Ladgasht, Qila Safed, Qila Saifullah, Quetta, Rakhni, Robat Thana, Rodkhan, Saindak, Sanjawi, Saruna, Shabaz Kalat, Shahpur, Sharam Jogizai, Shingar, Shorap, Sibi, Sonmiani, Spezand, Spintangi, Sui, Suntsar, Surab, Thalo, Tump, Turbat, Umarao, Pir Mahal, Uthal, Vitakri, Wadh, Washap, Wasjuk, Yakmach, Zhob, Astor, Baramula, Hunza, Gilgit, Nagar, Skardu, Shangrila, Shandur, Bajaur, Hangu, Malakand, Miran Shah, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan, South Waziristan, Wana, Abbottabad, Ayubia, Adezai, Banda Daud Shah, Bannu, Batagram, Birote, Buner, Chakdara, Charsadda, Chitral, Dargai, Darya Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Drasan, Drosh, Hangu, Haipur, Kalam, Karak, Khanspur, Kohat, Kohistan, Lakki Marwat, Latamber, Lower Dir, Madyan, Malakand, Mansehra, Mardan, Mastuj, Mongora, Nowshera, Paharpur, Peshawar, Saidu Sharif, Shangla, Sakesar, Swabi, Swat, Tangi, Tank, Tahll, Tordher,
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad
Revit-BIM Architecture 2D,3D Course Designing Course IPATS Government Education Https://   ||  || AutoCad and
Upper Dir, Ahmedpur East, Ahmed Nager Chatha, Ali Pur, Arifwala, Attock, Basti Malook, Bahgalchur, Bhalwal, Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Bhaipheru, Bhakkar, Burewala, Chailianwala, Chakwal, Chichawatni, Chiniot, Chowk Azam, Chowk Sarwar Shaheed, Daska, Darya Khan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Derawar Fort, Dhaular, Dina City, Dinga, Dipalpur, Faisalabad, Fateh Jang, Gadar, Ghakhar Mandi, Gujranwala, Gujrat, Gujar Khan, Hafizabad, Haroonabad, Hasilpur, Haveli Lakha, Jampur, Jhang, Jhelum, Kalabagh, Karok Lal Esan, Kasur, Kamalia, Kamoke, Khanewal, Khanpur, Kharian, Khushab, Kot Addu, Jahania, Jalla Araain, Jauharabad, Laar, Lahore, Lalamusa, Layyah, Lodhran, Mamoori, Mandi Bahauddin, Makhdoom Ali, Mandi Warburton, Mailsi, Mian Channu, Minawala, Mianwali, Multan, Murree, Mughal Pura, Muridike, Muzaffargarh, Narowal, Okara, Renala Khurd, Rajanpur, Pak Pattan, Panjgar, Pattoki, Pir Mahal, Qila Didar Singh, Rabwah, Raiwind, Rajan Pur, Rahim Yar Khan, Rawalpindi, Rohri, Sadiqabad, Safdar Abad, Sahiwal, Sangla Hill, Samberial, Sarai Alamgir, Sargodha, Shakargarh, Shafaqat Shaheed Chowk, Sheikhu Pura, Sialkot, Sohawa, Sooianwala, Sundar, Talagang, Tarbela, Takhtbai, Taxila, Toba Tek Singh, Vehari, Wah Cantonment, Wazirabad, Ali Bander, Baden, Chachro, Dadu, Digri, Diplo, Dokri, Gadra, Ghanian, Ghauspur, Ghotki, Hala, Hyderabad, Islamkot, Jacobabad, Jamesabad, Jamshoro, Janghar, Jati Mughabhim, Jhudo, Junghahi, Kandiaro, Karachi, Kashmir, Keti Bander, Khairpur, Khora, Khupro, Khokhopur, Korangi, Kotri, Kot Sarae, Larkana, Lund, Mathi, Matiari, Mehar, Mirpur Batoro, Mirpur Khas, Mirpur Sakro, Mithi, Mithani, Moro, Nagar Parkar, Naushara, Naudero, Noushero Feroz, Nawabshah, Nazimabad, Naokot, Pendoo,Pokran, Qambar, Qazi Ahmad, Ranipur, Ratodero, Rohri, Saidu Sharif, Sakrand, Sanghar, Shanankhot, Shahbander, Shahdadpur, Shahpur, Chakar, Shikarpur, Sujawal, Sukkar, Tando Adam, Tando Allah Yar, Tando Bago, Tar Ahmed Rind, Thatta, Tujal, Umarkot, Veirwaro, Warah, Zaffarwal. Cell: O321-9606785, O3035530865, O331-5145601, O3495021336, O3145228191
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

SOLIDWORKS Advanced Essential and Professional trainings

Training Course Contents
The Advanced Part Modeling course is for SOLIDWORKS users who need to create complex parts and want to learn how to use more advanced features; including sweeps, lofts, boundaries, and every type of fillet. Also in the course are best practices for creating efficient parts including using Boolean operations in multibody parts in order to save time. Building master models for parametrically driving whole projects. Plus reverse-engineering complex models with sketch pictures.

Basic to advanced SOLIDWORKS courses
SOLIDWORKS Advanced Part Modeling Lessons
The following lessons are included in the course

>>SOLIDWORKS Essentials
>>SOLIDWORKS Assembly Modeling
>>SOLIDWORKS Advanced Part Modeling
>>SOLIDWORKS Surface Modeling
>>SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal
>>SOLIDWORKS Weldments
>>SOLIDWORKS Pipe & Tube Routing
>>SOLIDWORKS Mold Design
>>SOLIDWORKS Visualize Rendering
>>SOLIDWORKS Advanced Update
>>SOLIDWORKS Electrical Routing
>>SOLIDWORKS Visual Basic for Applications
>>SOLIDWORKS Composer Essentials
>>SOLIDWORKS Simulation Linear Static
>>SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional
>>SOLIDWORKS Simulation Dynamics
>>SOLIDWORKS Simulation Nonlinear
>>SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation
>>SOLIDWORKS Inspection
>>Administering SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Course
>>SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic
>>SOLIDWORKS Electrical 3D
>>DriveWorks Professional
>>SOLIDWORKS Electrical Advanced

Multibody Solids: How They Work

Multibody Solids
Multibody Techniques
Introducing: Solid Bodies Folder
Feature Scope
Patterning Bodies
Tool Body
Introducing: Insert Part
Introducing: Move/Copy Bodies
Combining Bodies
Introducing: Combine

Uses of Multibody Solids

Common Bodies
Indent Feature
Introducing: Delete Body
Local Operations
Modeling Negative Space
Using Cut to Create Multibodies
Saving Solid Bodies as Parts and Assemblies
Introducing: Insert into New Part
Introducing: Save Bodies
Splitting a Part into Multibodies
Introducing: Split
Creating an Assembly
Introducing: Create Assembly
Using Split Part with Legacy Data

Sketching with Splines
Sketching Splines
Introducing: Spline
Introducing: Show Curvature Combs
Sketch Picture
Introducing: Sketch Picture

Introduction to Sweeping

Case Study: Faux Raised Panel Door
Sweep with Guide Curves
Case Study: Bottle
Sweep Options
Sweep with Guide Curves
Introducing: Dome
Introducing: SelectionManager

Working with Curves

Case Study: Modeling a Spring
Sweeping Along a 3D Path
3D Sketching
Introducing: Helix and Spiral
Introducing: Projected Curve
Introducing: Composite Curve
Introducing: Fit Spline
Applying the Label to the Bottle
Modeling Threads
Case Study: Creating a Curve Through a Set of Points
Sketch Blocks
Introducing: Sketch Blocks
Equation Driven Curves
Introducing: Equation Driven Curve
Introducing: Split Line

Advanced Sweeping

Orientation and Twist Control
Align with End Faces
Sweeping Along Model Edges
Sweeping a Tool Body

Boundary Feature and Lofting
Why Lofts and Boundary Features?
How Lofting and Boundary Work
Boundary Feature vs Loft
Introducing: Boundary Feature
Using Derived and Copied Sketches
Copying a Sketch
Derived Sketches
Introducing: Insert Derived Sketch
2-Direction Boundary Feature
Layout Sketches
Centerline Lofting
Introducing: Split Entities
Cleaning Up a Model
Introducing: Delete Face
Introducing: Deviation Analysis

Other Advanced Tools

Advanced Fillets
Analyzing Geometry
Introducing: Display Curvature
Intersection Curve
Zebra Stripes
Wrap Feature
Deform Feature
Introducing: Knit Surface
Move Face and Delete Face
Introducing: Move Face
Performance Considerations
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

SOLIDWORKS PCB & Electrical Training-IPATS
The new SOLIDWORKS PCB powered by altium design tool combines the power and usability of Altium with the 3D expertise of SOLIDWORKS to unite the “electronic” and mechanical worlds, one design at a time.

ECAD-MCAD Project Collaboration Server
Achieve unmatched ECAD-MCAD integration and collaboration with SOLIDWORKS® by unifying data and pushing changes to both sides of the design project.

Managed ECAD-MCAD ECO Process
Manage changes to board shape, component placement, mounting holes, keepouts and cutouts in both SOLIDWORKS PCB and SOLIDWORKS through managed Engineering Change Orders (ECOs), no matter where the change initiated.

Output PCB Copper Geometries
Open board designs in SOLIDWORKS with all copper information making it possible to take advantage of advanced analysis such as thermal and vibration simulation.

Streamlined Interface
The SOLIDWORKS PCB interface is designed for streamlined productivity and ease-of-use. Enjoy a modern interface with easy to navigate options to get your PCB designs done quickly and efficiently.

Library Management
Combine and manage your schematic and PCB component libraries together in a single location. Re-use components that you know and trust from successful past projects.

Supplier Links
Make immediate decisions on pricing and availability of components to meet your budget and deadlines. Search your preferred supplier databases within SOLIDWORKS PCB and link solutions directly to components in your design.

Version Control
Gain greater clarity and control over changes made to your design in all phases, from schematic capture to board layout.

Seamless integration
Open native SOLIDWORKS files in SOLIDWORKS PCB, and open PCB files in SOLIDWORKS. Imported mechanical models are accurate and retain your original design information.

Enhance your manufacturing process by capturing company standards, speed up quoting, and test manufacturability of a design earlier in the process. 

Feature Recognition
Recognize certain types of geometry not only as CAD features, but to understand how much those features will be manufactured, and even how much it will cost to manufacture. SOLIDWORKS CAM can find 20+ types of machinable features on parts, such as holes, slots, and pockets.

Rules-based Machining
Automatically apply best manufacturing strategies that you like to use so that manufacturing processes can be not only faster, but also more standardized.

Tolerance Based Machining
Model Based Definition (MBD) is leveraged to ensure machining strategies are automatically adjusted based on tolerance specifications. Reading tolerances and surface finishes will help you to make decisions about how to manufacture your product.

Part & Assembly machining
2.5-axis milling solution which allows users to program in either part or assembly environments.

Automatic Quoting
Automate quoting and compare it to traditional methods to ensure all aspects of the part are accounted for ahead of time.

2.5 Axis Milling
Machine prismatic features with 2.5 axis milling capabilities. SOLIDWORKS CAM includes automatic roughing, finishing, thread milling, face milling and single point (drilling, boring, reaming, tapping) cycles.

3 Axis Milling
SOLIDWORKS CAM includes 3 axis milling routines to machine complex, contoured surfaces routinely encountered in mold/tool making and aerospace applications.

SOLIDWORKS CAM 2 and 4 axis turning software for programming CNC lathe machines includes automatic roughing, finishing, grooving, threading, cutoff and single point (drilling, boring, reaming and tapping) cycles.

Associative Machining
SOLIDWORKS CAM provides true associative machining - automatically accommodating changes to your part or assembly model. Any modifications made to the SOLIDWORKS design are automatically updated in SOLIDWORKS CAM, which eliminates time consuming CAM system rework due to design alterations.

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

CCTV Camera Systems, Security Cameras and CCTV Surveillance

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) assist ambitious people move up into hire paid more job satisfaction courses. Our Alarm and CCTV courses can benefit people who are working or intending to work as a: – Security Manager, Security Supervisor,Security Guard, CCTV Control Room Employee, CCTV Sales Person, CCTV Protected Premises Owner/Manager,Potential CCTV Purchaser/Advisor, CCTV System Maintenance Employee, CCTV Installer, CCTV Specifier.

Course Content
CCTV Systems:– Introduction and uses.
Elements of a basic CCTV system:- Camera, monitor and digital recorder.

Back Focus adjustment.
Lens types:- Fixed and variable focal length, manual and motorised zoom.
Use of lens calculator.
Scene illumination:- Lighting considerations, LED’s, infrared lamp maintenance and bulb life.
Switches, Quads, Multiplexers and control systems: – Types and applications.

Monitors and Multiple screen displays.
Recording the footage:- Analogue and Digital video recorders.
Time-lapse recording. Reviewing video footage.
Cables and connectors: – Types, uses, limitations, preparation and testing.

Introduction to Digital CCTV and IP technology.
Connection to other security systems.
Use of test equipment including: – Multimeters, Oscilloscopes, Light Meters, Pattern Generators and Cable Length Meters.

Course Outline
What is CCTV?
Use and Benefits
CCTV Cameras for Security Act of 2012
Certification for Quality

IP and IK Ratings Explained
CCTV Equipment Basics
Types of CCTV Recorder
Multiplexer (Non-Recorder)

Standalone Digital Video Recorded
PC Based Digital Video Recorder
Standalone Network Video Recorder
PC Based Network Video Recorder
Hybrid DVR
Recorder Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Requirement

Video Compression Formats

Different Types of CCTV Cameras
Dome Camera
Bullet Camera
Varifocal Camera
Auto Iris Lens
OSD Cameras
Box Camera

PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) / Speed Domes
IP/Network Camera
Wireless IP Camera
IVS Camera (Intelligent Video Surveillance System)

Highlight Compensation (HLC)
Working with Analog and IP Based PTZ
RS485 Basics
Installing and Configuring Analog and IP Based PTZ
Installing and Configuring Analog and IP Based PTZ Controller
Display and Recording Resolutions
Optical and Data Cables

RG59 Cable / RG59 Siamese Cable
RG6 Cable / RG6 Siamese Cable
CAT5e UTP Cable
CAT6 UTP Cable
Maximum Cable Distances
Optical Adapters

Passive Balun
Active Balun
Power Source
Power Adapter
Centralized Power Distribution Unit
PoE Switch and Injector

Optical Cable Crimping / Termination
Power Cable Crimping / Termination
Installing CCTV Recorders
Standalone DVR
Standalone NVR
PC-Based NVR

Recorder Management and Configuration
Continuous Recording
Scheduled Recording
Motion Detection Recording
Video Playback/Review
Video Backup
User Account Management

Local & Remote Access (Public IP, DYNDNS, Cloud P2P)
LAN Access via Web Browser and Client Software
Remote Access via Public IP / Leased IP
Remote Access via DYNDNS
Remote Access via Cloud P2P

Site Survey
Design & Commissioning
Proposal & Costing
Introduction to Setting up and Configuring Citywide Wireless CCTV (Bonus)

CCTV Security Surveillance Installation and Management
What is CCTV?
Use and Benefits
Philippine CCTV Cameras for Security Act of 2012
Certification for Quality
IP and IK Ratings Explained
CCTV Equipment Basics
Types of CCTV Recorder
Multiplexer (Non-Recorder)
Standalone Digital Video Recorded
PC Based Digital Video Recorder
Standalone Network Video Recorder
PC Based Network Video Recorder
Hybrid DVR
Recorder Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Requirement

Recorder Management and Configuration
Continuous Recording
Scheduled Recording
Motion Detection Recording
Video Playback/Review
Video Backup
User Account Management

Local and Network Sharing Securities/Restrictions
Windows Workgroups
Computer User Accounts
Simple and Advance File Sharing
Advance File Sharing Securities/Restrictions
Network Sharing of Folders and files
Network Sharing of Hard Drives
Network Sharing CDROMs/DVDROMs
Network Sharing of External Drives
Network Sharing USB Flash Drives
Network Drive Mapping
Setting up a Network Printer
Sharing My Documents Folder
Internet Connection Sharing USB Wireless Card and 3G/4G Dongle
Remote Desktop
Windows Remote Desktop
Third-Party Remojte Desktop

Technical Security encompasses such areas as
Intruder Alarm Systems
CCTV Systems
Access Control Systems
Fire Alarm Systems
Perimeter Protection
Remote monitoring of Mission Critical Infrastructure
Panic Attack Systems

CCTV Camera Course in Rawalpindi Islamabad
IPATS Institute of Technology fully equipped Training Center, Our CCTV Installation & repairing course, CCTV Maintenance Course, Mobile Repairing Course , Laptop Repairing Course , Desktop Repairing Course & all course is designed to give candidates instruction on how to install , repair and maintain the systems/equipment and their component parts. CCTV & Security System Training Institute/Center offers professional CCTV & Security System Training. This CCTV Installation training will introduce the candidate to the level understanding required to allow you to work safely and efficiently on CCTV equipment and associated electrical systems.

Brief Course Content
CCTV Development
Fundamentals of Video
Transmission Protocols
Cameras, Lenses and Monitors
Analogue and Digital Video Recording
Installation Practices
Cabling Topologies
IP Technology
Surveying for CCTV
Final commissioning
Handover to a customer
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Civil, Road & Land Surveyor Cours

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS)

Course details
Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Provides the surveyors and Civil engineers remain in high demand as construction booms in the world. IPATS institute of technologies Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Civil Survey Institute is a premier provider of surveying, construction, engineering, and environmental training services to public and private sector. We have affiliations from SPTTC, SDC, PSSC and NSDC Government of Pakistan. All the trainings we provide in the field of civil are totally practical and professional. We have Qualified, experienced and well trained professional teachers.

Practical Application
Land survey classes are typically available through certificate, associate's and bachelor's degree programs in land surveying and civil engineering. Most programs include field experience with surveying equipment.

Surveying and mapping technicians only need a high school diploma to enter this career path,

Relevant majors for land survey courses:
Surveying engineering
Civil engineering
Electrical engineering
Computer science
Mechanical engineering
Course Information

Land surveyors are responsible for using various equipment to take measurements, interpretting data and performing calculations, and creating topographic maps. The courses you take to prepare for such tasks involve areas like engineering, data analysis, and technical writing. A strong foundation in mathematics and statistics, especially geometry and trigonometry, is also essential.

Additional topics you will find in your courses include:
Measurement errors
Drainage systems
Photogrammetry (3D modeling)
Legal boundaries
Elevation and GPS
Computer-assisted drafting
Field data
List of Courses
Land Survey Instruments

Basic land surveying classes introduce students to survey instruments that collect positioning data for different plots of land. Students are exposed to boundary surveying, topographic surveying, drafting, remote sensing and geographic information systems. Students keep field notes, find common measurement errors, take accurate linear measurement and use instruments for determining elevations.

Subdivision Planning and Layout
This course trains students to design models of subdivisions complete with sewers, drainage systems and traffic circulation. They examine how an area's topography influences the way these systems should be set up and learn ways to work with soil and earth safely. Course participants identify and fix problems with their models that could influence water safety or the flow of traffic. The lecture portion of this land survey course deals with codes and environmental considerations, which students must also incorporate into their models.

Land Survey Computation
Land surveyor classes in computation introduce students to the mathematical procedures involved in land surveys and construction. Students use scientific calculators to deal with field data and measurements. Topics for this intermediate-level class include computing distances, direction and elevations. More advanced students might learn traverse computations and curve stakeout computations.

Boundary Location
Students taking this course gain practical experience retracing boundary lines, using original boundaries, land parcels, global positioning systems (GPS) and water boundaries. Students learn about a landowner's rights in terms of boundary disputes and the ethical responsibilities of surveyors when they create and maintain land boundaries. This course also examines the legal aspects of boundaries, including property descriptions, titles and

Topographical Mapping
Topographical mapping classes introduce prospective land survey professionals to field sketching, plotting, traverses and planimetric maps, which indicate the horizontal position of features without noting their elevation. The principles of topographical mapping also include plotting cross sections, grading plans, photogrammetry (3D modeling of a scene) and mapping projections. These advanced land survey courses also teach students about gathering and analyzing field data through the use of GPS.

Course Outlines of Civil & Land Surveyor Course:
1:Introduction Civil Surveyor
2:Classification of survey
3:Civil Serveyor
4:Principles of survey
5:Chain survey
6:Plotting of chain survey
7:Compass survey
8:Bearing system
9:Drawing Scales
10:Types of scales
12:Technical terms
13:Purpose of Leveling
14:Plain table survey
15:Methods of plane table survey
16:Adjustment of Levels
Station Practical Training
Level / Theodolite Training
19. GPS Practical Training

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad



Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad


Competency Experience Based Govt Diplomas Offer

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS)

Course details
Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Career and technical programs frequently offer both academic and career-oriented courses, and many provide students with the opportunity to gain work experience through internships, job shadowing, on-the-job training, and industry-certification opportunities. Career and technical programs depending on their size, configuration, location, and mission provide a wide range of learning experiences spanning many different career tracks, fields, and industries, from skilled trades such as automotive technology, construction, plumbing, or electrical contracting to fields as diverse as agriculture, architecture, culinary arts, fashion design, filmmaking, forestry, engineering, healthcare, personal training, robotics, or veterinary offer numerous equipment and engineering training solutions, this short diploma courses list could help to enhance the skills of your staff. Contact us and we can design bespoke courses for your unique Plant & Control,Basic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning,Intermediate Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,Advanced Refrigeration & Air Conditioning,Safety in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration,Engineering Hand Tools in HVAC, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration,Air Conditioning & Refrigeration - Split Unit,Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (Chiller),Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System,Cooling Tower & Condenser,Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Maintenance and Repair - Window Unit, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Maintenance and Repair - Split Unit,Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Controls System,Transformer Winding Course,Electrical Operation & Maintenance,Electrical Maintenance,Solar Photovoltaic Systems, Coil Winding Course, Distribution Cable Selection and Testing, Solar Photovoltaic Systems - Installation,

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Solar Photovoltaic Systems - Commissioning, Load Dispatch Centre Applications with Hands-on Exercises, Household Appliances Electrician, Portable Appliance Testing (PAT), Eddy Current Testing, Electric Motor Maintenance & Testing, Electrical Equipment Maintenance & Troubleshooting, Electrical Line Man Refresher Course, Electrical Safety & Principles – Including, Arc Flash Analysis, Electrical Safety and Protection, Electrical Testing & Inspection, General Electrical Maintenance & Basic Electrical Safety, HT/LT Underground Cable Distribution,

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Inspection, Maintenance & Troubleshooting of LV & MV Electrical Switchgear, Low & Medium Circuit Breaker & Switchgears, Low Voltage Electrician, LT, HT Cable Joint and Termination Course, Maintenance Electrician, Overhead Electrician, Power Cable and Electrical Fault Location Detection, Power Supply, CAD Design and Cable Designing, Power System Operation & Maintenance Network Components, Power System Protection, Quality and Load Flow Analysis Protection, Power Transformer and Tap Changers, Practical Substation Maintenance (Including Substation Visit), Programming, Troubleshooting & Maintenance Principles for Electrical Protection Relays, Reading and Designing of Single Line Wiring Diagram, Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakersand Switchgear, SCADA for Electricity Distribution, Substation Earthing - Installation and Improvement, Survey, 

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS)

Courses Include:
1.   Electrician
2.   Plumber
3.   Civil Engineering
4.   Civil Surveyor
5.   Quantity Surveyor
6.   Safety officer
7.   HSE Engineering
8.   AC Technician
9.   Solar Panel Technician

Professional Diploma Courses in Conservation & The Environment
Aquarium & Fish keeping
Environmental Legislation & Policy
Environmental Waste Management
Stable Management
Environmental Management

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

ENGINEERING PROGRAMS HSE Engineering, Sanitary Inspector, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering
·         Engineering Management
·         Environmental E Engineering
·         HSC Engineering
·         Sanitary Inspector
·         Process Engineering Modern Plant
·         Operation
·         Process Engineering Modern Plant
·         Operation &Waste Water Treatment
·         Civil Engineering Construction
·         Civil Engineering Construction (2 YEAR)
·         Mechanical Engineering (Diesel, Gas, Heat Engines)
·         Mechanical Engineering (Oil& Gas)
·         Mechanical &Electrical Engineering
·         (Mechatronics )
·         Electrical Instrumentation Engineering
·         Auto Diesel Engineering
·         Electrical Engineering
·         Electrical Engineering (2 YEAR)
·         Civil Road Laboratory Technician
·         Material Engineering
·         Chemical Engineering
·         Oil &Gas Technology
·         Petroleum Engineering
·         Road Engineering
·         Railway Engineering
·         Bridge Engineering
·         Bridge Engineering

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

SAFETY & SECURITY PROGRAMS HSE Safety Officer, Safety & Security Fire Management, OHS, Industrial Safety, Criminology
HSE(Safety Officer)

·         Safety &Security Management
·         Health Safety &Welfare Management
·         Corporate Environmental Management
·         Environment &Safety Awareness
·         Fire Safety Management
·         Occupational Health , Safety
·         Environment
·         Industrial Safety Management
·         Construction Safety
·         Construction Health , Safety Management
·         Criminology Management
·         Criminal Justice
·         Risk Management
·         Risk Management &Insurance
·         Conflict Management

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Business Accounting
Islamic Banking &Finance
Disasters Management
Managerial Executive Diploma Courses In E-MBA
Executive Manager In Business Administration
Executive Manager In Business Human Resource
Executive Manager In Hotel Industry
Executive Manager In Office Administration & Management
Executive Manager In Project Management
Executive Manager In Project Planning & Management
Executive manager In Environmental Management
Women’s Health Practitioner
Health Care Management Programs Clinical, Preventive
Patient Care Technician/Dispenser
Medical Laboratory Technician
Physiotherapy Technician
Medical Technician
Emergency Medical Technician
Medical Assistant
Nursing Management
Clinical Nursing
Pharmacy Technician
X-Ray Technician Ultra Sound Technician
Dental Technician
Dental hygienist
Dental Assistant
Occupational Medicine
Diagnostic Radiology

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad


Logistics and Supply Chain Management Diploma

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS)

Course details
Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Offers the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Diploma
Logistics & Supply Chain Management (LSCM) is the management of the flow of goods and ;It includes the movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point of origin to point of consumption. Interconnected or interlinked networks, channels and node businesses are involved in the provision of products and services required by end customers in a supply chain Supply chain management has been defined as the "design, planning, execution, control, and monitoring of supply chain activities with the objective of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand and measuring performance globally 

Purchasing & Supply Advanced Diploma
Course Modules:
1. International Purchasing & Supply
2. Logistics
3. Operational Chain Management
4. Purchasing Strategies
;Purchasing & Supply Law

Course Content (5 modules):

1. International Purchasing & Supply - 
Rationale of International Purchasing,•Advantages & Rationale of Buying Overseas, Process of Sourcing Potential Suppliers, Overseas Culture & Market Environment,•Culture, International Purchasing Strategy & Planning, Logistics & Globalisation,  Supplier Audit, Import Finance.

2. Logistics & the Supply Chain - 
Logistics Costs,Sources of Value, Supply Chain Operations Reference Model, Managing Logistics Internationally, Managing the Lead Time Frontier, Just-In-Time & Lean Thinking, The Agile Supply Chain.

3. Operational Chain Management - 
Purchasing Strategy, Strategic Planning Process, Purchasing & Supply in Group Undertakings, Purchasing contribution to Supply Chain Management, Traditional Purchasing Procedures, Management Information Systems (MIS),
Essential Features of a Computerised Supplies System, Human Resources in the Supply Chain,Strategic Aspects of HRM Applied to Purchasing, Specifying & Assuring the Quality of Suppliers.

4. Purchasing Strategies - 
Building a Purchasing Strategy,Contribution & Influence, Purchasing & Audit Framework, Upstream & Downstream Management, Supply Positioning, Pareto Analysis, Setting Up a Supply Positioning Analysis, Supplier Preferences, Matching Supply Positioning with Customer Segmentation, Vulnerability Management, Influencing the Supply Market:, Procurement Marketing.

5. Purchasing & Supply Law - 
Contract Formation, Offer & Acceptance, Intention to Create Legal Relations, Contractual Capacity, Contractual Terms & Formalities,Express & Implied Terms, Conditions, Innominate Terms & Warranties, Unfair Contract Terms
Criminal Control, Termination & Remedies, Role of an Agent, Exclusion of Liability Supply of Goods & Services.

Professional Diploma Courses in Import & Export Procurement Logistics & Inventory
·         Import & Export Management
·         Procurement Management
·         Procurement, Logistic &Inventory
·         Control Management
·         Inventory &Material Management
·         Logistics , Supply Chain Management
·         Store Keeping &Purchasing
·         Materials Management
·         Introduction To Intellectual Property
·         Shipping Transport & Management
·         Industrial Development Inventory & Management
·         Procurement , Stores & Material Management
·         Modern Inventory Control &Management
·         Stores Management
·         Supervisory Management
·         Transport Management

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Education Planning and Management Diploma Cours

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS)

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Offer the Diploma in Education Planning and Management Course
The Department of (EPM) offers courses of study in the professional areas of Educational Planning and Management which are aimed at producing a cadre of professionals for educational institutions and organizations of the country for all levels of planning and management jobs.

Course Content of Education Planning and Management:
1:Teacher Education in Pakistan
2:Foundation of Education
3:Educational Research
4:Curriculum Development and Instructions
5:Education Psychology
6:Basic Concepts of Educational Planning –I
7:Basic Concepts of Education Planning-II
8:Process of Educational Planning
9:Curriculum Planning and Evaluation
10:Economics and Financing of Education
11:Development Education
12:Planning for Population Education
13:Educational Research and Statistics

  • Human Resource Management
  • Human Resource Development
  • Human Resource Practitioner
  • Managing Human Resource
  • Professionalism in Human Resource Management
  • Human Resource & Personal
  • Project Management
  • Project Planning & Control
  • Project Planning & Management
  • Advanced Project Management
  • Project Management Information System
  • Project Management Promotional Strategies
  • Advanced Project Management
  • TQM &Iso-9001-2000
  • Practical Project Management
  • Project l Management For Business & Technology
  • Management Development &E-Learning
  • Leadership In Project Management
  • Project Implementation Management Effective Project Management
  • Joint Project Planning
  • Project Resources Management
  • Total Quality Management
Essential Information
Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS)
Provides these course enhanced the Educational management courses prepare individuals for leadership positions in schools and universities. These courses are usually offered in advanced academic programs that lead to graduate certificates or master's degrees in educational management or educational administration. Courses may also prepare students for state certification as principals.
Here are some of the core concepts you'll learn while studying educational management:
  • Leadership skills
  • Teacher training
  • American public school policy
  • Conflict resolution techniques
  • Ethics in education
  • Technology and instruction
List of Typical Courses
  1. Education Management and Leadership Course
  2. Managing Diversity in Schools Course
  3. Curricular and Instructional Management Course
  4. Conflict Management in Education
  5. Educational Management and Politics Course
  6. Educational Management and Technology Course

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad


Civil Lab Technician Practical Diploma Cours

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS)

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Provides the Civil Lab Technician Course in Rawalpindi, Civil Lab Technician Practical Training in Rawalpindi

Civil Lab Technician Course in Rawalpindi, Civil Lab Technician Practical Training in Rawalpindi, Material Testing Course in Rawalpindi, Civil engineering is one of the oldest engineering disciplines because it deals with constructed environment including planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures, and facilities, such as roads, railroads, airports, bridges, harbors, channels, dams, irrigation projects.

A Civil Engineering Laboratory Technician carries out a wide range of sampling and testing of civil construction materials, both in the laboratory and in the field.Civil technology is the field of drafting, cartography, traffic technology and the analysis of construction materials to support construction, engineering, and architecture for roads, bridges and other public structures.Materials testing, measurement of the characteristics and behaviour of such substances as metals, ceramics, or plastics under various conditions.

Course Outline of Civil Lab Technician Course:
  1. Soil Section Testing
  2. Concrete Section
  3. Aggregate Section
  4. Asphalt Section
  5. Bitumen Section
  6. Cement Section 
  7. Steel Section

Vocational & Technical TRADE PROGRAMS in Construction Management, Surveying Management, Civil technology & Land Surveying
  • Construction Management
  • Modern Construction Management
  • Building Technician
  • Civil &Architecture Technology
  • Civil &Architecture Technology
  • Building Construction Surveyor
  • Land Surveying
  • Surveying Management
  • Quantity Surveying
  • Civil Drafting
  • Multi Weldor
  • X-Rays Welding
  • Civil Surveying (2 Year)
  • Auto Cad
  • Electrical Technician
  • Electronics Technician

ENGINEERING PROGRAMS HSE Engineering, Sanitary Inspector, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Management
  • Environmental E Engineering
  • HSC Engineering
  • Sanitary Inspector
  • Process Engineering Modern Plant
  • Operation
  • Process Engineering Modern Plant
  • Operation &Waste Water Treatment
  • Civil Engineering Construction
  • Civil Engineering Construction (2 YEAR)
  • Mechanical Engineering (Diesel, Gas, Heat Engines)
  • Mechanical Engineering (Oil& Gas)
  • Mechanical &Electrical Engineering
  • (Mechatronics )
  • Electrical Instrumentation Engineering
  • Auto Diesel Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering (2 YEAR)
  • Civil Road Laboratory Technician
  • Material Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Oil &Gas Technology
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Road Engineering
  • Railway Engineering
  • Bridge Engineering
  • Bridge Engineering
  • Tunnel Engineering
  • Harbor –Duck Engineering
  • Telecommunication &System Engineering
  • Telecommunication &Networking
  • Wireless Communication System
  • Networking
  • Optical Fiber Communication
  • Mobile, Satellite Communication
  • Telecommunication & Date Resource
  • Management
  • Surveying & Leveling
  • Hazardous Solid Waste Testing
  • Control System Engineering

Diploma in QA QC Mechanical Supervisor Course

These controls help standardize both production and reactions to quality issues. Limiting room for error by specifying which production activities are to be completed by which personnel reduces the chance that employees will be involved in tasks for which they do not have adequate training. The mission of Institute is to train and transform young men and women into responsible thinking engineers, technologists and scientists, to motivate them to attain professional excellence and to IPATS them to proactively engage themselves for the betterment of the society.

QA QC Mechanical Course Contents:
  • Introduction
  • Course Overview
  • Training Objective
  • Philosophy & Objective
  • Quality System Design
  • QA QC Planning
  • Level Responsibilities (Project & Corporate 
  • Mechanical Quality System Policy
  • QA QC Engineer Roles and Responsibilities
  • Mechanical QC General Requirements
  • Mechanical QC Plan
  • Mechanical QC Testing Plan Typical Inspection Plan
  • Mechanical Codes and Standards
  • Mechanical Documents & Drawing Review
  • Material Inspection
  • Design Review and Checking
  • Mechanical Equipment Casing Inspection
  • GAD Review & Procedure
  • P & ID Review & Procedure
  • Welding Procedural Guidelines
  • Documents Review & Records
Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

3D Studio Max Professional Certifications

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS)

Course details
Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Offer the 3D Max Professional Course can design the professinalism to pormote the extensive knowledge of the 3D Training programs are entirely production based to help participants gain the production skills required to enhance their marketability in the shortest amount of time possible

Course Outlines of 3D Studio Max

1:Introduction to Autodesk 3Ds Max
2:Autodesk 3DS Max Design Interface and Workflow
3:Autodesk 3DS Max Design Project Configuration
4:Assembling files
5:3D Modelling from 2D Objects
7:Lighting with Autodesk 3DS Max mental ray
9:Animation for Visualisation

Low and High Poly modelling
1:Detailed box modelling techniques
2:Learn about the Edge Copying technique
3:Combine multiple mode ling concepts to create photo-real models
4:Learn to build anything from Airplanes to humans!
5:The difference between Mesh & Nurbs techniques

Material Techniques
1:Learn game texturing techniques
2:Pelt Mapping
3:Layer many maps using UVW map channels
4:Using Alphas & images as Alphas
5:Mix & Composite Mapping
6:Material types in depth including Multi-Sub Object
9:Raytraced materials
10:Render to texture

1:Particles tips and tricks
2:Particle Flow
3:Environmental effects
4:Composition tips
5:Glow & flares
6:Dynamics with Reactor

Add Bones into the Mesh
1:The ‘Da Vinci pose- Do’s & Don’ts’
2:Preparing the mesh for Bone Rigging
3:Adding Bones into using Mesh Template

1:Mechanical vs. Bone Rigs
2:Set up a Rig using HI Solver & Sliders
3:Over 3 Different Custom Biped Rigs- developed by the instructor
4:Tips and Tricks for successful Rigging
5:Roper usage of Coordinate Systems to prevent Rigging problems
6:Create Biped, Quadrupeds or any Multi-legged Character
7:Creative use of Controllers & Constraints
8:What the books don’t show us!

Character Studio
1:Biped, Physique & Skinning
2:Learn Workflows for Successful Rigging Fitting Biped to a Mesh
3:Creating Footsteps, Varying Time & Stride length
4:Footsteps in Track View
5:Upper body animation
6:Freeform animation
8:IK Blending
9:Body Dynamics
10:Passing Objects
11:Obstacle Coursed
12:Motion Capture
13:Motion Flow
14:Curve Editing

1:Skin modifier
2:Skin morph & skin wrap
4:Vertex editing
5:Weight tables
6:Mirror mode

Animation Techniques
1:Tip & tricks on walk cycles
2:Human & animal locomotion techniques
3:Morph modifier for facial animation
1:Using Skylight
2:Area lights
4:Light Tracer
5:Photometric lights
6:Tips on how to reduce time consuming renders with simple standard lights

1:Learn controllers in depth
2:List controllers & limit controllers
3:Parameter collector
4:Wire Parameters
6:Inverse kinematics
7:IK Solvers
8:Animation modifiers
10Animation materials & effects
11:Channel locks & inherit

Our programs are ideal for:
Professionals working in the field and looking to improve their skills with the latest version of the software.
Intermediate-level users looking to improve their current demo reels and marketability.
Beginners looking to explore new career options in the 3D animation industry.

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Quickbook Peachtree and talley ERP Certification Rawalpindi
Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Provide the Trainings Tally ERP 9 & Peachtree Accounting Software Training Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) aims at harnessing the opportunities and addressing the challenges presented by the rapidly changing environment so that, our new generation in the fields of accounting makes rapid growth.

nstitute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) will ensure that students have the right skills to serve global markets which are regularly updated and are relevant in the changing economic order. Modern computers perform a number of additional tasks and provide analytical information. Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) will develop skilled professionals with competencies to service clients not only within Pakistan but across the globe that requires technical skills as also cross cultural appreciation and understanding of global needs Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) is registered with Govt bodies/ Boards, SPTTC, NSDC, SDC, NTB, IQRA Education Ministry of federal Education and Professioal trainings Govt of Pakistan

Tally ERP 9 Course Contents:
New Company Setup
Accounting Overview
General Ledger
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS) Computerized Accounting Peachtree Quickbooks Tally Course
A computerized accounting system is a system used by businesses for recording their financial information. Many systems are available and companies look for a system to match their needs.Computerized accounting refers to using computers for a range of accounting tasks. In the past, computers were used as calculators. Modern computers perform a number of additional tasks and provide analytical information.

Computerized Accounting software are Peachtree, Quickbooks, Tally Erp, Sage, SAP Business One, SAP ECC 6.0 etc.

Course Outlines of Computerized Accounting:

  • Introduction
  • New Company Setup
  • Accounting Overview
  • General Ledger
  • Accounts Payable
  • Inventory
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Reports
  • Introduction
  • New Company Setup
  • Accounting Overview
  • General Ledger
  • Accounts Payable
  • Inventory
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Reports
Course Contents
  • Introduction to Peachtree
  • Company Creation
  • Chart of Account Creation
  • General journal entries
  • General ledger and Financial Statements
  • Inventory items and adjustment
  • Assembling and build assemblies
  • Vendors and Purchase transaction
  • Customers and Sale transaction
  • Job Costing
  • Bank reconciliation
  • Employee and Payroll
  • Sales Tax
  • Password, backup and restore
  • Reporting

Who Should Attend?
If you are an accountant, book keeper, or small business owner, you will learn how to set up your complete financial system, build and customize a chart of accounts, establish a general ledger, and set your preferences to enter and display information as you need it.

Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785,MOFA Attested Saudai UAE UK China Canada Afghanistan Arabia Qatar Oman O33151456O1, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Https://   ||  || Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad

Institute of Professional and Technical Studies (IPATS )
Head Office: 2nd Floor, Yasir Plaza, Near Chatri Chowk, Khanna Pull, Qadeer Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Contact Office: +92-0331-5145601, +92-0321-9606785, +92-0349-5021336
Email: Website:

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